CAMINEX is an important exhibition for the Copperbelt, the country and the entire region. It brings together exhibitions and networking for local, regional and foreign exhibitors and visitors. CAMINEX is organized by the Copperbelt Agricultural and Commercial Show Society in conjunction with various partners, stakeholders and correspondents such as and including, Specialised Exhibitions of South Africa, and various Zambian Government Ministries; The Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry; The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; and The Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development. Amongst our partners are state owned enterprises, the private sector and the various professional Institutions and Organizations.
CAMINEX 2020 was postponed due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Board placed the health and safety of all our partners above everything else and followed health guidelines obtained by the Board from local and international health experts. We therefore, looked forward to hosting CAMINEX 2021 in June, 2021.
The Board examined the status of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the first quarter of 2021 and based on facts and information available, the Board opted not to hold CAMINEX 2021 and resume the CAMINEX Exhibition in 2022. The Board is hopeful that with the Vaccine Roll-out and information gained so far on COVID-19 that we may have assurances in the second half of the year, to enable us make an informed decision to hold CAMINEX in June, 2022. This will however, depend on guidance and information received and the confidence gained in travel and person to person interaction in the last quarter of 2021. This is because to plan and hold these events, our partners both local, regional and international, require between 6-12 months to be able to participate.
We look forward to the hosting of a strong and safe event in 2022. We appreciate the input, engagement and support of all our partners and stakeholders in making these decisions.
It is important for us to collectively work towards economic recovery amid the challenges we have had due to the Pandemic, especially with the current high metal prices that our nation depends on economically.
Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact the CACSS Show Manager – Karen O’Neil on Mobile No.: +260-966-783075 or E-mail: Or contact the Event Director – Charlene Hefer on Tel No: 011-835-1565