Environmentalist Nsama Kearns is hopeful that the announced manganese indaba to be held in Luapula province this year will address the many challenges the mining of the mineral has brought to the province.
In an interview with Phoenix News, Ms. Kearns says the indaba should, among many other areas of discussion; prioritize finding ways in which compliance to environmental protection will be achieved by mining companies operating in the province.
She has bemoaned that despite the huge harm being caused in the province through mining, the majority of mining firms in the area do not comply with paying of the environmental protection funds.
Ms. Kearns who is also Care for Nature Executive Director says another aspect the indaba should address is child labour in manganese mining; a vice she says has grown to alarming levels.
On Sunday, Mines and Minerals Development Minister Paul Kabuswe said the manganese mining indaba which was initially supposed to be held last year, will be held next month.