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Switzerland: Glencore enters partnership with Tre-Altamira to expand satellite monitoring across its Tailings Storage Facilities.

Glencore has entered a global agreement with Tre-Altamira to expand satellite monitoring to over 110 of its dams worldwide making this the largest industry monitoring agreement to date specifically focusing on Tailings Storage Monitoring. 

The monitoring provides measurements of surface movements every 11 days which is the current maximum available frequency for this type of data collection.  By taking measurements from both ascending and descending satellite orbit directions, Glencore will be able to resolve any measured movement on its TSFs into both horizontal and vertical components. The typical resolution on the ground is 3m x 3m with detectable movement resolution in the order of a few millimetres. 

Measurement data will be provided via a cloud based platform which will ensure continuous provision of information.  Results of the monitoring will also be used to support stakeholder engagement and demonstrate the ongoing safe performance of our dams.

While the main focus of the satellite monitoring program will be its Tailings Dams, the data will also be used at some sites to supplement other terrestrial monitoring techniques which will include open pits, waste piles and areas prone to subsidence.

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