SADC Mining & Construction News

Mineral Resources from Keliber’s New Tuoreetsaaret Lithium Deposit

Keliber has discovered a new lithium deposit, Tuoreetsaaret, located between the Rapasaari and Syväjärvi deposits. The maiden Mineral Resource estimate for the Tuoreetsaaret deposit was completed in June 2022. The Mineral Resources (all Inferred) of Tuoreetsaaret are 1.41 million tonnes with an average grade of 0.70% Li₂O, which increases Keliber’s total Mineral Resources by 9 percent, to 17.03 million tonnes (previously 15.62 million tonnes).

Keliber initiated the exploration campaign at the Tuoreetsaaret area in March 2020. The deposit is located next to the future concentrator plant. Keliber had drilled a total of 9 388 metres in the Tuoreetsaaret area when the Mineral Resource estimate was started. The estimate has been reported using a cut-off grade of 0.40% Li₂O.

“We are pleased to announce the discovery of a new lithium deposit, as a result of our long-term exploration work. The discovery of a new lithium deposit at Tuoreetsaaret is a good indication of the ore potential in our exploration areas. We will continue exploration activities in the area and upgrade the Mineral Resource categories by infill drilling,” says Chief Geologist Pentti Grönholm.

The new Mineral Resource estimate for Tuoreetsaaret has been prepared and reported by Payne Geological Services Pty Ltd., an independent Australian consulting company. The estimate has been prepared and reported in accordance with the recommendations of the 2012 Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC 2012).

Table 1. Tuoreetsaaret mineral resources

Tuoreetsaaret Mineral Resources (JORC 2012)
CategoryDepositMtLiO %Cut-offJORC

Table 2. Keliber’s mineral resources

Mineral Resource estimate (JORC 2012)
MtLi₂O%MtLi₂O%MtLi₂O%MtLi₂O%MtLi₂O%MtLi₂O%MtLiO %MtLi₂O%

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